Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome Foodies!

Welcome to my blog.  Here you will find recipes for seasonal organic cooking.  I have started to receive a weekly, organic food box which I will be cooking from so the blog will be mostly seasonal.  I will also be posting frugal tips on saving money in order to buy organic and local.  I will also include posts on how to have fun on less money.  The thing I hear often from people is that eating healthy is too expensive.  Although some products can be pricey (especially here in Canada), if you use simple, yummy ingredients it works.  I did an experiment.

I bought 5 days of non organic produce and fruit.  $40
I bought a weekly food box for a family of Organic produce seasonal and fruit $55 including delivery.  The contents are posted early so I can plan my meals for the week around what is in the box.

I also did a grocery run for a week.  I purposely stayed in the fresh aisles as opposed to the middle aisles. (I bought some things like lunch items and cereal) and we had more food for a longer period of time.

I did a grocery run and skipped a lot of produce.  We were more hungry, our food didn't last long and i found the kids wanted to snack more.  Yes, it was about $25 cheaper for the week but by the end of the week I was wondering what we were going to eat.  No one had energy.  Not exactly a lifestyle that was good for a man who works a physical labor job and for children that are growing.  And myself...I have several health issues.  Mostly hormonal and other...but it has to do with my body.  I HAD to start asking myself what I was putting into my body and the bodies of my family.  If you put junk in front of kids, they will eat it.  If you put healthy foods in front of children they will eat it.  They copy what you do! It is not easy.  I still have cookie monsters in my house and that is okay.  Diets are a lie.  I am trying to make small changes and build.  Like making more of my own products, and introducing new veggies one at a time. This is not a blog who will suggest giving up a million things you cheese, an occasional treat etc....this is a blog about change, about living and having fun with it.  This is not about dieting.  This is about understanding what is IN our food (and it is outrageous!) and saying NO to chemicals, pesticides, hormones and the like.

I hope you find here something you can identify with.  It is hard for families to make ends meet, especially on one income.  I truly believe in doing what you can when you can. Feel free to comment and share.

Healthy journey beginnings!

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